STORY! For Live Action & Animation

Story Course with Chuck Williams


01 Story Basics

In this lesson Chuck Williams explains the key components of Story & Story structure for film & animation.

02 Character

In this video Chuck delves deep into the first element of story, Character. He explains how to develop compelling characters and why it is essential to good storytelling. 

03 Plot

Watch as Chuck explains techniques you can use for understanding the often maddening concept of Plot. Learn techniques and exercises that will help you make your story plots more engaging.

04 World

In this video, Chuck Williams explains the crucial element of storytelling… WORLD! Creating the “world” of your story is a key element to good filmmaking. 

05 Theme

Now Chuck breaks down the idea of “Theme” and different approached that you may use to landing on a good one. 

06 Screenwriting

In this video Chuck explains various tips & techniques used by professional screenplay writers and how how to apply them to your work.

07 Story Process for Animation

In this final video of the course, Chuck Williams explains what makes the story development process for animation so unique and successful.